Among the plants on my ever-changing wish list, a few hoyas had been there for a while. In March I decided to do something about that, so I checked with the folks at Plants Wake You Up. As is always the case, they were most helpful. There were rooted and unrooted cuttings in the order, and a surprise in the shipment.
The Hoya pandurata ‘Vietnam’ had been on the list the longest, followed by the H lithophytica. The H acicularis and H caudata ‘Gold’ were recent additions for which I blame Miro at Basie Plants. I blame Miro for almost every hoya that is now, or has recently been, on that wish list. It’s all your fault.
Plants Wake You Up was exceptionally kind and included a lightly rooted cutting of Hoya carnosa ‘Wilbur Graves’ with the order. I had been considering Wilbur – it is just a carnosa, but a really handsome carnosa – so the bonus is very much appreciated. PWYU is my favorite place to shop for hoya; and if it sounds like I’m promoting them, I am.
So, everybody’s settled in. The unrooted cuttings are rooting, the rooted cuttings are growing, and the shelves are filling up. More real estate for hoyas may be the next thing on the wish list, but for now, I’m just hanging with the hoyas.
I’ll keep you posted.