I know that the first day of spring was a few days ago. But what the calendar says and what is going on outside are often two different things, so I pay little mind to the calendar. But when my plants start telling me about the approach of spring, I listen.
I found this Aeschynanthus radicans (variegated) in a big box last summer. While not as striking as his Black Pagoda cousin, I liked the subtle variegation. I wasn’t looking for him, so I hadn’t done any research beforehand. But when the research said epiphyte, I knew I was going to get him out of the coco peat mix he was in and move him to a bark mix. I’ve done this with some hoyas, and since they’re related, I went ahead.
That’s usually a big transition for them, and he wasn’t at all happy about the entire process. In fact, he seemed to pout for the rest of the summer. But he did survive. He has spent the winter in a west facing window, just hanging out with some hoyas. About a week ago when I took him down for watering, I noticed a recent flush of new growth. He seems to have made the adjustment to the super airy mix and decided he likes it here.
I’m not expecting blooms until later this summer, but for right now I’m just happy with the new growth. He has since been joined by a Black Pagoda, who was also not happy with me for a bit. I’m hoping they compare notes and the new guy gets down to growing.
I’ll keep you posted.