Sulfur residue on hoya lacunosa

So my hoyas have had their little sulfur party, and wasn’t that just a fun time for everyone involved. Now all that remained to do was the clean-up and the leftovers.

Just as I applied the sulfur to them, I took my hoyas, one by one, to the sink and gave them a spray with warm water to rinse the sulfur residue from the leaves. They all looked nice and refreshed, better than they had in weeks; until the next morning when they still had sulfur splash. At the time it appeared I had rinsed them off well, the next day it appeared I hadn’t. I saw lots of little white spots at the petioles and along the edges of some leaves; the wrong kind of splash in the wrong kinds of places. I got the similar results after another round of spraying.

I clearly couldn’t count on the water alone to carry away all the sulfur. My solution was to gently wipe away the remaining spots with a damp microfiber cloth or a moist cotton swab. The spray had cleared most of the sulfur, so fortunately not many spots remained; and yes it was a bit of a pain, and yes it was time consuming, and yes it worked. I do still find the odd splash of sulfur from time to time, like finding confetti in the sofa cushions weeks after the New Year’s party.

My hoyas are looking good and growing, and it appears that the sulfur party was a success, but I’m hoping that the guests of honor don’t ever come back.

I’ll keep you posted.

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