No, I don’t think of myself as a plant parent, and they’re not my green babies, but this one was a puzzlement. It’s also the one that led me to loving lacunosa.
I wanted this Hoya lacunosa (variegated) the first time I saw it. The shape of the leaves and that variegation had me hooked. I found one, he arrived safe and sound. I settled him into a nice airy mix on my grow shelves, and, nothing. I asked what was going on, was there something he needed, was he not happy. And, nothing, for months, nothing.
It was the mites, of course, and as soon as I addressed that issue, we had growth. After months, we had growth; and more of those leaves that I love. Which led me to discover other varieties of lacunosa, which led me to order those other varieties of lacunosa, and we know how that story goes.
So my problem child isn’t my problem child any more, he’s a shining example of what I want my lacunosa to be; growing. And since we addressed the mites, his lacunosa brethren are following in his footsteps, as it were. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
I’ll keep you posted.