The first time I saw Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’ was in someone’s online video, and I wanted it. Something about the shape, texture, and color of those leaves just resonated with me. Back then, they were hard to come by and very pricey. So I watched, and waited, and finally found some cuttings at a good price.
They rooted and then grew, and then got potted up where they continued to grow. And then they didn’t. Had to be operator error, but suddenly the plant wasn’t happy. It’s still alive and still not happy. Years later I found another beautiful plant, which seems less temperamental. It grows, looks happy, but it’s just a few long vines. They’re alive, healthy, but I’m almost afraid to take cuttings and root them back in the pot for fear of incurring its wrath.
So when I stumbled on this small, full pot at a big box recently it was a yes. It’s in super dry, rock hard coco peat, so I’m very slowly introducing moisture until I can loosen the mix and get it into something better.
I still like this plant, despite my troubles with it; and I’m determined to someday have a beautiful, lush pot of it. I’ll keep tweaking its care, and eventually I’ll figure it out.
I’ll keep you posted.