That’s a Stark warning. Get the pun? Well here in New England we’ve already had a couple of frost and freeze warnings, so the time to safely ship plants is sadly and slowly coming to an end. I’ve been working the internet and checking the weather forecasts, trying to get those last few orders here beforehand.
I know about heat packs, but they’re never warm when they get here. Not their fault, if it’s 13°F/-10°C, no heat pack is going to last very long. And if there’s a delay in shipping, things don’t go well. But it’s only the beginning of November you may ask. And while that is true, this is New England and anything could happen.
These three have arrived in the last few weeks. A couple of them were unrooted or lightly rooted cuttings, the other had a good set of roots on him. They seem to have survived their travels with relatively little trauma, so fingers crossed, we’ll be seeing new growth soon.
I do love the seasons of New England, both of them; the plant shipping season and the plant non-shipping season. Probably means I’ll be skulking the aisles of the local big boxes and small greenhouses, hoping for a find and watching for Spring.
I’ll keep you posted.