This Dischidia ovata is related to Hoya, cousins or something like that. This Dischidia is also my second try with this species, and we’re getting along much better this time.
I keep him with my Hoyas, since they’re related, and that seems to be what he likes. He’s in a net pot with bark and sphag on the grow shelves, and since he’s happy, I’m happy. D ovata was one of those plants I wanted the first time I saw it in someone’s online video. I found one and went to school on the genus. For me that often means killing one; sort of a sacrifice.
Having learned what not to do, I waited a bit, learned a bit, and found this guy. We’re doing fine and I’ve added a couple more Dischidia to the collection. He’s sometimes called the Watermelon Dischidia, but not by me. I really like him, so he gets his full name, not a nickname.
Clearly it’s all about the patterns on the leaves, and that color of green. The leaves start off kinda pea green and the pattern is almost invisible, but then they transform into, well, wow.
I’ll keep you posted.