I always think I’m not going to order plants during the cold winter months. But then there’s a break in the weather, or I find something at a good price, and, oh well so much for that. So, there were some additions in January.
I’m scared about Hoya undulata. I’ve heard it can be difficult and temperamental. Which is not what I need, but I am plunging ahead with blind optimism anyway. Eleven days in Priority shipping from Texas didn’t help, thanks DeJoy for messing up the USPS.
Hoya nicholsoniae ‘New Guinea Ghost’ I’m trying again. My first one is still alive, but it has never grown. I’ve treated it for everything, a couple of times, but no luck. This new one has already put out more growth than its predecessor.
I’ve had some success with Jewel Orchids, so I decided to expand the collection to include Macodes petola and Macodes sanderiana. Fingers crossed.
I’ve had mixed luck with Monstera deliciosa – I’m the guy who has trouble with M deliciosa – but the price on the Thai Constellation has dropped significantly, and it’s so beautiful I had to try.
Hoya lockii, well I’ve been learning to love thin leafed hoyas and they grow well for me. The flowers on this one are supposed to be beautiful, so yeah.
There’ll be an update in a few months to see how these guys are doing. Wish me luck.
I’ll keep you posted.