It was a nice little plant. The leaves had a bit of splash and a shape that reminded me of bamboo leaves. It adjusted to my environment and put out a couple of new leaves. It handled the move to pon and a self-watering pot. Then, it stopped being a nice little plant and turned into a beast.
I refer to this Hoya burmanica as a grow-beast. I’ve had it just a little over a year and I don’t think I’d be exaggerating if I said it had quadrupled in size. Really. It’s happy in pon, it likes the new lights, and it’s really thirsty. I can’t skip a week of watering for this guy, he’ll drain that reservoir in no time.
What it hasn’t yet done is bloom. There are peduncles, at almost every node, but I haven’t quite found that sweet spot of care. I’m guessing it’s the water supply. It has only been five days since I last watered, and when I took it down today for photos, it was empty. It seems happy with everything else, so It’s gotta be the watering.
Fortunately, I can fix that. I have several hoyas that get watered twice a week, and I’ll just add him to the list. If all those peduncles start blooming, I’ll have to change his nickname to bloom-beast.
I’ll keep you posted.