Well, the cold season has finally arrived here in southern New England. Overcast, gray days, chilling drizzle, punctuated by the occasional day in the 60s just to tease us. But none of the white stuff yet. It means the furnace has been running, which I try to put off for as long as possible.
Though I keep the house on the cool side, if I simply close the door to the plant room, the daytime temps in there stay about 75°F. As a result, some of the hoyas are very happy; and this Hoya heuschkeliana (variegated) is one of them.
He’s been putting out a good deal of new growth since the indoor temperatures have leveled out, almost more than in the summer. Right now, he’s in a bark/sphag mix, but that’s going to change soon. He’s moving to a hanging, self-watering pot and pon-ish. The lights where he lives are going to get an upgrade as well. Which I’m hoping will make him even happier. I’ve told him about the lights, but not about the move.
Maybe he’ll be happy enough to bloom, which would make me happy. H heuschkeliana blooms look very cool, and they would look even cooler if they were on my plant. Working on it.
I’ll keep you posted.