New leaves on big leaf hoyas and a handsome dog, that’s a recipe for clickbait. And when a visitor keeps wandering into your plant photoshoot, at a certain point you stop fighting and roll with it.
All three of our models – Hoya sp ‘Kalimantan’, Hoya sp ‘Chicken Farm’, and Monte sp ‘The Monster’, love being the center of attention. Kalimantan and Chicken Farm live here, Monte is visiting for a week. Monte thought that he should be the center of attention and kept photobombing. What can you do?
Kalimantan and Chicken Farm are both pushing out new leaves, which is always fun to watch. Chicken Farm is even sending out a new vine which is already forming leaves. There are going to be trellising issues soon, but those are the kind of plant issues that are good to deal with.
So, Monte and I are just hanging out watching the new leaves this week. In truth, Monte doesn’t care one whit about the leaves unless they’re holding treats. Which they aren’t, so they’re safe.
I’ll keep you posted.