If you knew the story of what this Hoya callistophylla and I have been through together, you, too, would appreciate everything it does. While I like many of my hoyas, and am very happy I have them, this may be the one I’m attached to.
It was my first “fancy”, big leafed hoya. I was sure I would kill it. The vine did a sharp U-turn and was pointed directly down and almost at the substrate. I was unsure of what I was doing and afraid to cut the vine and try to root part of it. I had never rooted a hoya. It had flat mites, bad, and didn’t grow. It blasted peduncles. Everything terrifying to a hoya noob.
But the cutting rooted, so now I have two vines in the pot. The flat mites were killed or were at least made manageable, so I got some new leaves. The peduncles have held, and it has bloomed several times. And now I have new vines with new leaves.
Whew. But it’s also the hoya that showed me I can cut a hoya. I can root a hoya. I can treat a hoya. I can grow hoya. And one hundred plus hoyas later, it’s the one I’m attached to.
I’ll keep you posted.