What’s New – 5 Hoyas and 1 Anthurium

A picture of a close-up of a Hoya undulata leaf.

At this week’s end we’re looking at some of the plants that arrived in the Plant Room during February.

I had thought to postpone ordering during the colder months of the winter; but when a plant you’ve been looking for is suddenly available, or you find one at a great price, plans don’t always matter. As with many things, “the best laid plans of mice and men…”. The plants in this week’s video are Hoya patella (pink), Hoya obcordata, Anthurium veitchii, Hoya undulata, Hoya lockii, and Hoya nicholsoniae ‘New Guinea Ghost’. Most of them arrived as rooted plants, ready to be moved to their next homes, but one, Hoya obcordata, arrived as an unrooted cutting.

Thanks for watching.

I’ll keep you posted.

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