Welcome and thanks for watching this cringe-worthy first video for a new series on my channel. A smart person once told me not to let perfection get in the way of progress, and clearly, I’ve taken that to heart.
This week I’m featuring five hoyas that I’ve been loving this week. They are Hoya dennisii ‘Frida’, Hoya lacunosa ‘Amarillo’, Hoya latifolia ‘Sarawak’, Hoya sp NS12-323, and Hoya spartioides. I’ve had all of them for several months, at least.
I hope that I can make “Week’s End” into a regular feature for my YouTube channel, and that it’s something that you’ll enjoy. Don’t hesitate to ask questions in the comments, and if they’re polite, and friendly, and I feel like answering them, I will.
So, join me here, with the Friday afternoon beverage of your choice, again next week.