I didn’t have many expectations when I ordered Hoya flagellata, I wasn’t sure that I wanted it or even liked it. But I know that
Year: 2023
I have the freedom and boldness that come from knowing that I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m not surprised if I make a mistake,
Doin’ fine. I didn’t try Jewel Orchids for a very long time. I read somewhere or heard somewhere that they were fussy and difficult and
He was a sodden mess when I found him. Although several of my hoyas came from big box stores, hoyas and big box stores are
She started off in a mesh plug. I didn’t yet know to check for mesh, and she wasn’t happy. I moved her to bark, found
We’ve had a long haul together this Hoya callistophylla and I. It was one of my first “fancy” hoyas, and one of the first hoyas
Maybe it’s because Spring is finally here, or at least it seems like it’s here. I live in southern New England and we could get
Once again. So, my first Hoya mirabilis ‘Clone B’ arrived in a jumbled mess of wet dirt and soggy newspaper. The seller apparently thought it
You’d think by now I would have learned to not decide on a hoya before I’ve grown that hoya. But then I don’t always listen