When I received this Hoya parviflora, it had only two leaves on a skinny stem. But those two leaves were beautiful, and I absolutely wanted more of them. So, I was patient, spoke encouragingly to it, and hoped it wouldn’t die.
When that first bit of new vine appeared I may or may not have done a happy dance in what was to become the Hoya Room. Better light, better food, better medium and he took off. Now I would almost say he’s lush, and a stunner, definitely a stunner.
Suddenly he needed a trellis, and then a re-trellis. And if things continue there will be a new, taller trellis in his future. He lives on the last set of grow shelves to get better lights, and if he responds the way my other hoyas have, I’ll have another grow beast on my hands.
It makes me smile to look at him now and remember what he looked like just over a year ago. We’ve come a long way, and there were times I didn’t think we’d make it. Glad we did.
I’ll keep you posted.