A friend recently asked me what it is about hoyas that makes them so interesting. I thought for a moment and then said, “the variety”. These two are a perfect example. If you didn’t know that Hoya Leoensis and Hoya retusa were both hoyas, would you even guess they were in the same genus?
Hoya Leonensis is an H ‘Viola’ and H fuscomarginata hybrid that came as a bonus cutting in an order. The first couple of leaves didn’t look like much, but the new leaves got very large and developed a pink splash. Very cool, but I think it’s going to turn into a monster.
Hoya retusa I have really come to love. It looked great online, but always looked terrible when I saw it in the plant stores. I finally broke down and bought one. Once I got it home and gave it better care I understood when people rave about it. I think I see some peduncles, so I’m hoping for blooms his year.
We always knew that people who said all hoyas look alike were wrong. We like them, hoyas not those people, for their differences, for their variety. It’s why we grow and collect them.
I’ll keep you posted.