About halfway through photographing Hoya ‘Iris Marie’ I got tired of wiping leaves and decided she just needed a shower. She got one, we carried on, and leaves look so nice with water droplets on them.
Iris Marie has been here about six months, and she keeps trying. She had some new growth when she first arrived, but that soon dried up. I gave her a bit of time to adjust and when I again saw new growth, I transferred her to a self-watering pot and pon. And the new growth dried up. But I haven’t fiddled with her for a couple of months, and I think she’s decided it’s safe to try again.
She’s a thin leafed hoya, so in the long run the self-watering is going to be better for her, and she definitely wants to climb and not trail. The new leaves and vines are a beautiful dark bronze color, and lately I’m seeing a lot of them. Which is fine.
I’m upgrading the lights on the grow shelves where she now lives, and I’m hoping that will be just the encouragement she needs to bloom. Which would also be fine.
I’ll keep you posted.