I’d never seen Hoya plicata before, and in a moment, I needed it. It often happens that I’ll discover a hoya and add it to my wish list, but it doesn’t often happen that I see it and say “sold”.
When he arrived, he was a rooted cutting with four leaves. They were nice small-ish lanceolate leaves with a bit of splash and raised veins, which is what attracted me in the first place. We didn’t have any settling in traumas or dramas, and soon he put out a new vine. Yay.
The light level is probably a bit lower than where he started, because the next set of leaves were slightly large and a deeper green, though the splash stayed about the same. Each successive set of leaves has been just a bit larger. They haven’t become huge but seemed to have settled for something on the medium side.
No blooms yet, so I may try him on one of the brighter shelves and see what happens.
I’ll keep you posted.