Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle 8'

This plant lives in my bedroom, and it’s right in front of me when I get out of bed. Granted I’m not always the most observant at that point, but you’d think I would have noticed. I mean I think I would have noticed, should have noticed.

But I didn’t, and somehow Hoya carnosa ‘Krinkle 8’ pushed out a couple of long vines while I wasn’t looking; more likely not paying attention. I should expect that from this guy. I wasn’t sure I wanted him when I ordered him, but I’d heard he was a good grower and bloomed early. It’s true.

If I’m good about regular watering, he grows, and blooms, which is what you want in a hoya. After his last blooms, I decided to move him to pon and a self-watering pot. Which was probably a good thing, but that’s when the latest growth spurt started, and now I probably need to re-trellis him which is not my favorite thing to do.

If I’d been paying attention, I probably should have done this earlier. But I wasn’t and I didn’t and oh well, all my problems should be this easily solved.

I’ll keep you posted.

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