I love accession numbers. They are the odd numbers you sometimes find following a hoya name, or sometimes it’s the current name for the hoya itself. They can tell a bit of the hoya’s story, who first found it or where it came from.
Hoya sp GPS-7240 is the accession number of Gerard Paul Shirley a collector from the Netherlands. Hoya sp VL-9 was collected by Arne Kastberg and named for Viggo Larsen, which is something I need to investigate further since the reference I found to Viggo Larsen is to a Danish film actor. They look as though they could be related, but as we know about hoyas, looks can be deceiving.
Both of these guys want more light than I initially thought. I’m finding that’s true for many of my hoyas, and I am considering upgrading my current lighting. They also want a bit more water, but then I’ve found that true for most hoyas. None of this “treat ‘em like succulents” foolishness here.
Each of them took a bit to get settled in, but once they did, and I adjusted the light thing, they’ve been good steady growers. And that leaf shape, it’s just very cool.
I’ll keep you posted.