I loved the leaves on this hoya as soon as I saw it, just liked the whole look of it. I ordered it, it arrived quickly and in good condition. I was happy with my purchase. That’s when the difficulties started.
It was identified as Hoya MA-03, and I believe that’s what it is. The seller told me that MA was the acquisition number for “Mr. Herman” from Indonesia, and she had acquired her plant directly from him. But further research seemed to lead in a circle of nowhere. There are a lot of hoyas with an “MA” number out there, but I haven’t seen any reference to “03”. They all seem to include the descriptor ‘Anjuk Ladang’, which is a place in Indonesia, and I’m guessing Mr. Herman is from there.
Other than a reference to “MA” being Herman Man, I haven’t found much information about him or his hoyas. I don’t know if he’s discovering new plants or creating hybrids? To my eye it seems some sort of verticillata, but then isn’t everything now some sort of verticillata?
So, if any of y’all have more information than I do, which would be anyone with any information, please let me know. It won’t change my fondness for the plant, it’d just be nice to know more.
I’ll keep you posted.