Hoya pachyclada or Hoya subquintuplinervis

It’s one of those hoya identification things. It was labeled as Hoya pachyclada when I ordered it, but I heard that most pachyclada are really Hoya subquintuplinervis. I’m not an expert, but I trust the source; both of the plant and of the information. A debate and discussion only hoya heads could love.

The original leaves were oblong, the newer leaves are round. No help. The inner-nodal spacing started out short but has gotten longer. No help. It hasn’t bloomed yet. No help. So, all I know is that it’s one of those two.

Whatever he is, he’s hit his stride and is growing like crazy. Which is fine. I had to give him a new and larger trellis today. Which, too, is fine. I’d love to see a peduncle or two appear soon. Which would be fine and could solve the ID problem. Not that I could do it, but I could take a picture and ask someone who could.

So other than this identification thing – which isn’t bothering me, I’d just like to know – we’re having a good summer. But it would be good to know, ‘cause then I could go get the other.

I’ll keep you posted.

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