I’m sure there are flashier, larger, and more elaborate blooms in the plant world, but for me it’s hoya blooms. Because I struggled so much with this genus at first, each blossom is a bit of a victory. I never thought I would get a hoya to bloom, I just hoped they wouldn’t die.
Just a few weeks ago I featured this Hoya carnosa ‘Krinkle-8’. It’s gone from being a plant I wasn’t interested in to being one of my favorites. I know, they’re all my favorites. This weekend the buds on the first peduncle opened, and boy oh boy, did I mention I love hoya blooms?
All my other carnosas are puttering along, doing their carnosa thing; and if you’ve got one, you know what I mean. But if you want a carnosa that’s actually going to bloom in this lifetime, find a Krinkle-8. The leaves are cool, it grows readily, it’s not fussy, and it blooms. There’s even another peduncle in the queue behind this one.
I’ll be gushing about other hoya blooms I’m sure; but considering that I wasn’t sure I wanted this plant, I’m gonna gush a bit more about this one.
I’ll keep you posted.