We’ve had a long haul together this Hoya callistophylla and I. It was one of my first “fancy” hoyas, and one of the first hoyas I ever ordered online. It arrived as a long spindly vine with three leaves that did a U-turn somewhere in the middle. That seemed like a bad idea, so with much trepidation, I cut my new plant and put the cutting back in the same pot.
We stared at each other for almost two years that included a tiny new leaf that withered and died, and a peduncle that blasted four buds before they bloomed. The staring continued. The sulfur treatment came and went, and then suddenly there were signs of growth.
In the past few months, it has grown six new leaves, and just this week a full round umbrel of blooms. I would say that it was worth the wait, but it has been such a long wait. There were times when it almost became compost, times when I almost ordered another plant. Maybe that’s what makes it more special, what makes the blooms and new growth more significant.
There’s a new vine, too, with some tiny leaves, and I’m excited to see what the next few months may bring.
I’ll keep you posted.