At last, the sleeper has awakened. He was a tiny, little thing when he arrived here last May. Rooted, yes, but he had only a couple of nodes and a few leaves. After recuperating, I settled him into bark and sphag in a small net pot. And we waited. And we waited.
I acquired Hoya sp aff serpens (Xiaojie 001) because he was tiny; different from almost all the other hoyas I had. He didn’t disappoint in size, but was a tad frustrating in the growth department. Until early this winter when new vines started reaching out. I could see lots of new roots, too, so I lifted the entire thing out and moved him to a larger pot.
The growth has continued. There are now a couple of active growth points and several tiny, fuzzy leaves. And boy oh boy, are those leaves fuzzy. At a quick glance you’d never notice, but close up he’s quite the furry beast. He came with a peduncle, and while a bloom would be nice, I’m just happy about the growth.
Hoya serpens is from the Himalayas, so his friend here probably likes similar conditions and doesn’t mind that it’s a little cool. I’m ready for warmer weather, but if this guy is happy, then I can tolerate another week or two for him. Just no more snow. We finally had some, I got to use the snow thrower, so I’m done.
I’ll keep you posted.