I have a thing for small leafed hoyas; maybe because you can get a lot of plants, and a lot of leaves, in a small space. I have a lot of them. And while it wouldn’t be fair to pick favorites, I’d be lying if I didn’t say Hoya lyi would be one of them.
I ordered this little guy as a small, lightly rooted cutting from Plants Wake You Up. Once he adjusted to his new home, he started pushing out a vine; nothing speedy, nothing dramatic, just steady. Soon, it seems, I will have to make the “trellis or trail” decision. Right now I’m leaning toward trail.
He’s currently in a net pot with bark, some pumice and a bit of sphag, but he may get moved to pon-ish, maybe. In their natural habitat – southern China and northern Laos and Vietnam – they’re typically found in deep shade, so I’ve also been thinking about moving him to a less bright area. But he’s been doing fine and I’m a little hesitant to mess with what seems to be working. If it ain’t broke…
Hoya lyi just ticks a lot of the boxes for me; neat leaves, not fussy, steady grower. It would be great to get blooms, but right now, no lying, I’m just happy with the growth.
I’ll keep you posted.