It wasn’t ever on my wish list, but I decided that I was going to get one if I ever found one. Which I clearly did. There were three vines in the pot, one of which was hanging-on by fibers. He was in the scratch and dent rack and was clearly scratched and dented. I would even say abused. He was also more than half off.
I knew I could fix him, so Rhaphidophora tetrasperma came home with me for a better life. Well, that was the plan. In a better pot with a better mix and better attention he started growing. He needed a pole, which I had, and he got, and he started to climb. Then the stake in the pole rotted through and it all fell over. It was as though, despite my efforts, he couldn’t get a break.
So, I made him a real moss pole, which also meant extricating him from the old coir one, and repotting him and the new pole together. Neither one of us was happy about that whole process. I apologized to him the entire time. I know, I’m sorry, I had the best of intentions.
That was a couple of months ago, and now there is new growth. He seems to have discovered the new pole and taken a liking to it. So, fingers crossed he doesn’t have any more traumas for the foreseeable future. I’m really glad he’s here, and after all he’s been through, he deserves it.
I’ll keep you posted.