Hoya lacunosa

They’re readily available; you can even find them in a big box store. So you get your first Hoya lacunosa. It grows and you’re happy. Then it blooms and you’re happier, and you love the scent of the blossoms. You even have the nerve to think “I can do this”.

Then you start looking into lacunosa and you find out there are smaller ones, and bigger ones, and variegated ones, and suddenly you have nine. They’re all different, but they have similar needs, so that’s kinda easy. Then they grow for you, and you look at more lacunosa online and you find yourself saying “well I don’t have that one.”

I’ve fallen for lacunosa, which is like saying I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole within a rabbit hole. I’m not an expert, so I don’t know all the intricacies, nor worry about the debates about names. My tags all carry the names they had when I got them. If I get a memo from the front office updating some, I’ll deal with it then.

But the only thing better than watching these little guys grow is catching that lacunosa scent and hunting for the blooms. To me it smells like walking into a florist shop, which is really nice in the dead of winter. It just takes that first one.

I’ll keep you posted.

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