This isn’t my first Dischidia ovata. It isn’t my second. It’s number three. The first two were sad casualties to the learning curve. And it is sad when you don’t know what else to do and must watch a plant you like slowly die.
So I took a time out from trying and pondered a bit, took an inventory of its care history, and developed a different approach. Essentially trying the opposite of everything I’d been doing. And it seems to have worked, so far, touch wood, fingers crossed. He likes a vented pot with an airy mix, a bit more water than I expected, and a lot more light.
Dischidia come from New Guinea and northeastern Australia, so yeah, tropical, humid, bright. They’re related to hoya, which means epiphyte, so no potting soil, no cactus soil, no treating it like a succulent. Regular watering and no silly “taco test”. And we’ve been doing well for the past couple of years.
Even though he lives under a grow light, it’s as though he knows Spring is coming. Lately he’s been pushing out more new leaves and vines than usual, and all I can say is “yay”.
I’ll keep you posted.