Spathiphyllum Domino Peace Lily

I really like Spathiphyllum, Peace Lily, and I think I’m the only one. Nobody talks about them, nobody posts about them. I’ve got three. They’re all the standard variety, and they form a nice cluster in one of the less-light areas of my living room. There’s a story behind them, but this isn’t about them.

Years ago, pre-covid, I first saw Spathiphyllum ‘Domino’ and I wanted one. It seemed they couldn’t be had for either love or money. Well they could be had for the money part, but it was far more than I was willing to spend. It is, after all, a Spathiphyllum. It fell off my list and off my radar, and life went on; until recently when I was looking through the site of a local plant shop. Spathiphyllum ‘Domino’, under ten dollars. Have it.

In these days when everyone wants splash and variegation, here is it. And you have to screw up really bad to kill a Spath. It is one of the few plants that’s difficult to overwater, and if you’re not giving it enough, it will tell you; nothing sadder than a thirsty Spath. Fortunately they bounce back. They’ll get by without a lot of light, though the variegated ones probably want a bit more. Just good, reliable foliage. And sometimes they bloom, though for me it’s the foliage.

So he’s still settling in here. I love that splashy variegation more than I thought I would. He’s gonna look great mixed in with the others, even if I’m the only one who appreciates it.

I’ll keep you posted.

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