A friend of mine likes that yogurt with the French word as its name; the kind that comes in the glass cups. He was about to send a bunch of the cups to the recycling, but because he knows I do plants, he asked if I wanted them. Hmmm. Well yeah, I can figure out a use for them.
But when I discovered that they fit a 3oz plastic cup almost perfectly, they suddenly became really useful. Not only do they add stability to the plastic cups, but if you make holes or slots in the plastic you can turn them into mini self-watering pots. Add just enough water to come up over the bottom of the plastic cup and you’re set; self-watering, passive hydro, whatever.
The glass cups are wider at the bottom, so they don’t tip over like the plastic ones. Plus the glass cups are reusable, clear so you can see the water level, go in the dishwasher, and are sturdy; I’m sold. Because I’ve been using something pon-ish as a rooting medium lately, this plastic and glass combo has worked out great.
For me, it seems everything roots in pon-ish; and these mini self-watering pots just make that easier. I hope he keeps buying that yogurt.
I’ll keep you posted.