Hoya lanceolata bella

Everybody else could grow Hoya lanceolata bella, but not me. They had lush, full plants, but not me. Plants that bloomed, but not me. What’s up with that?

I was new to this hoya thing and Bella was one of my first. The internet said to plant hoyas in cactus soil and potting mix, so I did. FYI, don’t do that. It also said Bella likes lower light, she got it. She wasn’t happy. I wasn’t happy. Time passed. Next the internet said moisture, airy moisture, so I tried LECA. She was less miserable. I was less miserable. Time passed, but still no lushness.

Then I decided to try more light, and there was, finally, some new growth. But not much, not enough. Apparently I was heading in the right direction, so I took more drastic steps. Bella was moved to pon and a self-watering pot. She got good position under the grow lights. She got the sulfur treatments. And boom.

She definitely had mites, she wasn’t getting enough light, and she needed a better medium. And it only took just over two years to figure all that out. She’s not lush yet, but she’s on her way; and we’re happy. Maybe I need one of those variegated ones…

I’ll keep you posted.

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