I wasn’t sure why I ordered this hoya. It isn’t what most people think of when they picture a hoya, it certainly wasn’t what I pictured. But you don’t know until you try, so I did.
When I opened the package this Hoya flagellata made me stop. It certainly wasn’t what I expected; it was so much better. I liked it immediately and was so glad I’d ordered it. I know, those Jurassic leaves aren’t everyone’s cup of hoya. He’s one of those you either hate or love, and there doesn’t seem to be a middle ground. I’m in camp love it.
Once we addressed the mite issue, this guy took off. He pushed out cute, furry little leaves that got bigger, and bigger, and bigger. They seemed to double in size overnight. And there are still new leaves coming, which I’m fine with, and new growth on the vines. Woo-hoo.
When those aroid-centric people tell me that all hoyas look the same, and we know they’re wrong, I point to this guy first. He may not be everyone’s cup of hoya, but he certainly is mine; though I do wish auto-correct would stop changing it to flagellate. That’s a different subject.
I’ll keep you posted.