I don’t have a lot of succulents. It’s not that I don’t like them, I’ve just had, shall we say, difficulties, with them. This guy however, Gasteria “Little Warty” is a survivor.
I discovered him in that sea of sad succulents you find in a big box store. I noticed him because he didn’t look like the others, not that he looked good. He was tiny, in a two-inch pot, and resembled ancient green leather; but not in a good way. His oddball character is what caught my eye, and so for under five dollars I took him home.
I settled him into decent, fast draining soil, put him where he got a lot of sun, and gave him frequent little drinks. Slowly the leaves started to fill out, he plumped up, and lost his ashy tone. Then he started growing. I was just happy he was alive, growth was a bonus.
He’s been here several years now, looking green, putting out new leaves. In that time many other succulents have died slow deaths in my care, which is why I don’t have a lot of succulents. But this guy, he’s a survivor.
I’ll keep you posted.