Wash. And wash. And wash again. I washed my hands like I felt guilty about something or like I was trying to personally stop a pandemic; longer that ‘Happy Birthday’ and more often than once an hour. And still there was that smell.
When I started using sulfur to treat my Hoyas for flat mites, I expected there would be a bit of, shall we say, an aroma. Indeed the plant room now has a scent of sulfur. What I didn’t expect was that smell lingering on my hands, for hours, lotsa hours, way too many hours. When I ate a sandwich or drank a cup of tea there was that smell. The washing didn’t help.
I needed to do something about this, I mean at some point I’ll interact with people, and I’d prefer to do so without the faint odor of brimstone wafting about. Then the answer came to me, one of those things like duct tape, that solves everything, lemon juice. I washed my hands with lemon juice.
And while my hands didn’t smell “lemony fresh”, at least they didn’t smell like sulfur. The sulfur and the lemon seemed to battle it out and call it a draw; which is good, because I’ve got a few more weeks of the treatment to go.
I’ll keep you posted.