A number of folks reached out to ask about how I treated my hoyas for flat mites, and this is the result. I’ll start by saying that I’m not an expert and this isn’t necessarily the right way. It’s simply the way I’m doing it. I could be wrong; it’s been known to happen. If I find or learn of a better way I’ll use it, you do the same. Do your research before proceeding, beyond this point you are responsible.
Remember we’re dealing with a fungicide, it can’t be good to inhale or ingest this in any way, shape, or form. Read the labels and follow all the directions and warnings. If I’ve done something stupid, don’t repeat my error. The powder is very fine and becomes airborne easily, so I strongly suggest wearing a mask when using it. I do. It’s probably a good idea to wear gloves as well, I probably should. At the very least, scrub your hands thoroughly when you’re finished. I do. Keep the kids and pets away while you’re doing this, I would.
As Betsy (BetsyBegonia) pointed out this is a long term treatment. You have to break the egg-laying/egg-hatching cycle of the mites and that takes a while; up to eight weeks. Yup, that’s once a week for eight weeks. Watch Betsy’s and Adam’s (KnotDude) YouTube videos for much more information. Really, watch their videos.
Is it worth it? That’s a decision only you can make. Within days of the first application I saw new growth on hoyas that hadn’t shown any for months. It was literally within days. If you proceed that’s your choice, I’m going to see it through.
I’ll keep you posted.