It was a plant I never expected to find, yet there it was in a big box store. I think I even wondered out loud “what are you doing here?” But it really didn’t matter since he was coming home with me.
I have a love-hate relationship with many of my Scindapsus. I love them and they sometimes hate me. This guy, Scindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’, has been the exception. He forgives my errors and just keeps plugging along. Never in a rush, he puts out a new leaf, then a bit of vine, and then another new leaf. He seems happy in that middle range of light, though he does like his summers on the porch.
He’s also one of those plants that guests always ask about: “What’s that one?” I have Scindapsus for their variegated leaves. This guy has that, clearly, but those big leaves just kind of amp it all up.
So he can take his time growing where he’s growing, I’m not going to rush him. He just came in for the winter. He’s got a good spot with a touch of late afternoon sun, and I pass by him at least once a day. All is well.
I’ll keep you posted.