aeschynanthus radicans variegated

I’m shocked it wasn’t shocked. Usually when I move epiphytes from that nasty coco peat mix to bark and sphagnum, I expect a bit of a reaction. Having spent their early lives in a great rooting mix, they’re often not happy when they find themselves in a grown-up mix.

So when I did move this Aeschynanthus radicans (variegated) into bark, I expected a bit of drama. I waited for it, and waited for it. But it never arrived; no tantrum, no shower of leaves, no crispy brown, no mushy foliage. I’m fine with that, just rather surprised by it.

This guy was never on my wish list, in fact I’d never heard of it. I’d seen other Lipstick Plants, and they’re nice; but when I saw this one, something about it spoke to me. I didn’t know much about them and didn’t know it was an epiphyte. He’s also the only plant I’ve found where the light suggestion is “medium” and not “bright-indirect”, and so far that has worked.

I haven’t wandered the plant section of a big box in a while. Lately I’ve been online looking for specific plants, but it might be time for a little venture; which can be both a good thing and a not good thing.

I’ll keep you posted.

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