Hoya multiflora

It’s not the first time that my Hoya multiflora has bloomed in my care. It’s the second, actually. This bloom cycle, however, there are two more peduncles, so there should be blossoms for a couple of weeks, if…

If I remember the watering. As a matter of course H multiflora wants more water than you’d expect for a Hoya. When I first got it I was so afraid of overwatering it that I think I underwatered it – a rarity for me. But when multiflora is blooming it wants even a bit more. So I try to keep that in mind and to be brave with the watering can.

I expected that because of the exotic blooms that the plant would be demanding and difficult. But it’s not at all, other than that watering thing. The leaves develop a nice bit of undulation to give them some interest, but it is all about the blossoms. Shooting stars, dragons, it depends on the day, but when I see the buds forming I get excited about the upcoming show.

It’s a Hoya to be brave about, and a Hoya worth having in your collection. Fortunately, they’re easy to find and not outrageously expensive; and provided you give them the water they want, they’ll happily bloom and grow.

I’ll keep you posted.

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