hoya deykeae

I did and I didn’t, I did and I didn’t. I couldn’t make up my mind about Hoya deykeae. I’d never seen one in person, and it reminded me of that heart-leafed hoya which I don’t like. So one time I wanted one and the next time I didn’t.

But I saw one at a price low enough to put me in the “I’ll try one” frame of mind. So with a few lingering doubts, I ordered one, and it made it out of Florida just before Ian arrived there. When I opened the package all of those doubts were set aside. I did want one, I just hadn’t known it.

The splashing surprised me the most. I hadn’t expected it. He’s got a few battle scars, but then don’t we all. He’s healthy and green and yeah the vine tip died back, but I knew that was going to happen. And I’m trying him in pon, which is a bit of an experiment. Fingers crossed.

I don’t have much experience with him yet, we’re still in the getting-to-know-you phase. But he’s cool and different from the others in the collection, so I’m glad he’s here. Glad I took the chance.

I’ll keep you posted.

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