There’s nothing jerky about this guy, even though he’s Aglaonema ‘Slim Jim’. At least that’s what I’ve kinda figured out. He came without tags from a friend who found him at a big box. Guessing who the grower was, I checked their website and found a pretty good match. So he’s in the book as Slim Jim.
Aglaonemas are some of my favorites. Whenever anyone asks what kind of plant they should start with, I always suggest an Ag. There’s enough varieties to suit almost everyone. They can be in bright indirect and be fine, the can be in medium low and be fine. Put them in non-porous, water ‘em every other week and everybody’s happy.
I prefer the green variegated varieties, not the bright reds, pinks, and yellows for me. I’ve also come to really prefer the long narrow leaves; that’s what most of mine are. This guy, with those white stalks that look like Swiss Chard or Bak Choy, adds some brightness to my Ag group.
They never generate a lot of interest online, and they don’t ever seem to be trending. But that’s fine with me. They do exactly what I expect them to: look cool and thrive.
I’ll keep you posted.