Well mostly green, with edges that verge on purple. So for this plant it’s not about splash or variegation, it becomes about texture. He’s a small mound of long green leaves spilling out of the pot.
Hoya wayetii is fairly easy to find, and fairly inexpensive to purchase. And I know that there is a wayetii vs kentiana debate, but until I get a memo from the front office, everybody’s keeping the labels they came with.
In a genus where the focus can sometimes seem all about variegation and splash, I like having some that have neither. Just green with that thin purple margin, and the more light he gets the more purple the margins become. For me he’s been pretty easy to grow and hasn’t demanded any special care. He seems happy in bark and sphag and likes it medium on the watering.
He’s another one of those plants I don’t worry about. Provided I don’t do something stupid – always a possibility – he’s just happy on his shelf, sending out new shoots. And looking green.
I’ll keep you posted.