hoya caudata sumatra

I’ve been on a Hoya roll of late. There are plenty of other plants out there, and not everyone loves this genus. But recently my Hoya have been doing well for me. I’ve become a bit more confident, and more willing to try some new species.

I struggled with Hoya for some time. I understood the attraction, but I listened to conventional wisdom and that didn’t really work for me. But now I feel like I’m starting to get them – probably a sign of impending disaster. But I’m something of an optimist, I think all plant people must be, so onward and upward.

This Hoya caudata ‘Sumatra’ is one of those that have leathery-looking leaves. They’re not everyone’s favorite, but I’m liking ‘em. There’s something almost prehistoric about these guys; the undulate edges, the subtle splashing, the woody vines. Maybe it’s because the leaves don’t look like the typical Hoya leaf that I like them.

I’m still on the hunt for an undulata at a bargain price, but I’m not holding my breath on that one. But if it should happen y’all will be the first to know.

I’ll keep you posted.

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