Two of these guys were on my wish list, two of them I’d neither heard of nor seen before. When I did see them, however, they were “oh I need that” moments.
Hoya rigidifolia and Hoya sp kalimantan were the wish list ones; kalimantan had been there for a while, rigidifolia was a recent addition. The other two, the Hoya sp aff verticillata and the Hoya crassipetiolata with splash, I found while I was hunting for the first two. I hate when that happens. Am I the only one whose wish list never seems to get shorter?
I found them all as cuttings at Plants Wake You Up, and cuttings have been working for me lately. Though they were listed as unrooted cuttings, when they arrived two of them already had good root systems so they went right into bark. The other two will need just a bit of time in coco peat and perlite, just to give them a good start.
Some of the cuttings from the previous hauls have already started putting out new growth, and I’m thinking I need to start figuring out trellises for them. If you’re going to have plant problems, what you’re going to do because they’re growing well is a good one.
I’ll keep you posted.