I was happy when my Dischidia ruscifolia (variegated) started sending out another new branch. I didn’t remember the other branches starting out so pale and then developing the variegation. But hey, I miss stuff.
Turns out the only thing I’d missed was that this was a non-variegated branch. I’d say it was an all-white branch, but it’s clearly not white. I didn’t know they did that. My regular green ruscifolia never did that, but then some of my variegated Hoya have put out all green or all white vines. Grow a plant, learn something new.
I like most Dischidia and I really like ruscifolia. My green one was how it started, and I struggled at first. But when I remembered “epiphyte” things got much better and he’s growing like a weed. This guy came along after the epiphyte epiphany so we’ve been buddies from the start.
I’m not sure how viable a chlorophyll challenged branch will turn out to be, so I’m just going to enjoy it while it’s here. He’s probably just showing off. That’s fine, we’ve all been there.
I’ll keep you posted.