I first saw this guy online in someone’s video. They were supposedly a little hard to come by, so I had few expectations and little hope. Weeks later I went to that “Scandinavian” store and there were shelves of them. So of course I got one.
I got him home, and although the label said something like “assorted foliage plant”, I was pretty sure of what he was. We’ve gotten along well for a couple of years now. We each keep up our end of the deal; I tend, he grows. Simple.
Then they changed the name, or changed it to what it probably should have been in the first place. So now I think he’s Draceana bacularis ‘Mikado’. He, like so many folks these days, got some surprising results from his DNA test and found some relatives he didn’t know he had. He provides a nice counterpoint to the others in the “houseplants formerly known as” group. Although their names may have changed, and they’re not who they thought they were; they’re still favorites around here.
I still slip up and call them by their old names, or some crazy combination of both. But I know what I mean even if nobody else does.
I’ll keep you posted.