Just for a minute, or so it seemed. She was watered, getting decent light, wasn’t giving me any troubles. All was good. When I checked back a week later, she was apparently very happy. New vines everywhere. Everywhere. And not just little vines; long vines reaching back up, and out, and over.
A few years back, I had been nurturing a small Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson Princess’. It was one of my first Hoya and it wasn’t dying. Then I stumbled across a big pot of the ‘Princess’ in a big box, and couldn’t pass it up. I was still very new to Hoya, so it was either going to go very right, or very wrong. Fortunately I learned enough in enough time to not kill them.
Now that the days are longer and the temperatures are warmer, both of the Princesses have become very energetic. The big one has really taken to her spot and is pushing out growth everywhere. Neither has bloomed for me yet, but my fingers are crossed. I’m told they like to be “established” before they bloom, we’ll see.
When I first got her, I wished she was a fancier Hoya and not just a plain old ‘Krimson Princess’. Now that she’s been here for a while, I wouldn’t trade her for any other.
I’ll keep you posted.