I have this love and hate relationship with Alocasias. I love them. I have two. I think they’re beautiful and striking. I hate spider mites; really hate spider mites. I think about spider mites the same way I think about ticks. Alocasias and spider mites almost seem like a package deal.
This is my second Alocasia reginula ‘Black Velvet’. I discovered him in my grocery store. It’s not a fancy grocery store, just my neighborhood grocery. I had sworn off Alocasias forever. But I figured if he could survive the grocery maybe he was made of sterner stuff.
I used to have several Alocasias. Then I had spider mites. The battle with them was long and gruesome, there were many casualties along the way, and only one survivor. I swore, no more, never again. But he was in the grocery for ten dollars and hope got the better of judgement.
So I keep a close eye on the two of them. They get systemics regularly and there’s a bottle of Captain Jacks just in case. I give them a lot of light, a chunky mix, orchid pots, and regular waterings. ‘Cause I love Alocasias, it’s just that thing about spider mites.
I’ll keep you posted.