My grandmother grew African violets. I remember tables of them in the big bay window of the old house where they lived. There were so many different colors and sizes lined up in the dappled light that made it through the big Maple tree. Every time we visited, Grandma would send Mom home with a new violet or a leaf cutting or two.
I’d grown African violets for years, but had never heard of Primulina, Asian violets. The first time I saw one was in a YouTube video. It wasn’t even in bloom, and yet I wanted it for the foliage alone. I knew it would bloom for me. It did, and it has continued to do so.
This is Primulina ‘Summer Song’, at least that’s what the tag said. I’m not an expert, but I do love ‘em. I find them easier than African violets, and the foliage more interesting. Those blossoms on the high, arching stems hanging over the plant, that’s just pretty from every angle. If Grandma had known about them, she would have grown them, too.
When I found mine, they weren’t expensive. They’re not quite big box material, but they’re around. I ordered mine online and they shipped well. So if you grow other violets, Primulina are worth the search.
I’ll keep you posted.